How to Hide Likes on Instagram and Facebook

Like all the news that impact on consolidated concepts, even the disappearance of the number of likes received from posts on Instagram has divided the users of the social network in two.

On the one hand those who appreciated the novelty, on the other hand those who would have preferred to continue with the usual system.

To please everyone would have been possible if only Instagram had left everyone the freedom to decide whether or not to hide the likes. This was not the case, and everyone, like it or not, had to take note of Instagram's decision. Now, however, with an official Instagram announcement, which is part of the same holding that controls Facebook, it announces that it has finally introduced the possibility of choosing whether or not to hide the likes on both Facebook and Instagram. Better late than never, in short, even if in the statement Zuckerberg's group specifies once again that the choice made at the time was motivated by the desire to understand "if the concealment of numbers could depressurize the experience of Instagram users".

The Position of Social Networks on the Number of Likes

The "test" did not provide a universal answer: "People and experts told us that eliminating the number of likes has been positive for some but disadvantageous for others, especially because people use the number of likes to get a the idea of ​​the popularity of a content, whether it is trending or not. So here is the possibility to choose what is best ".

The announcement published on the help section of Instagram, which also speaks on behalf of Facebook as part of the same group, reiterates how the Zuckerberg network is constantly looking for solutions that can increase users' control over their social experience. So here is the possibility to decide whether or not to display the number of likes on both Instagram and Facebook.

Check The Display of Likes

Starting immediately, both Instagram and Facebook deliver in the hands of users and content creators the possibility of deciding whether or not to show the likes received from a content. The interesting aspect is that the possibility of choice is given both to the owners of a profile and to those who use the contents.

In fact, it is given both the possibility of hiding the number of likes received from their posts, so that other users cannot see how many they have collected, as well as to hide the display of the counters of all the posts that appear in the feed, so regardless of the setting of the owners of the profiles you follow or are friends with.

“That way, if you want, you can focus on the photos and videos you share instead of the number of likes they get,” explains Instagram. The possibility is operational immediately on Instagram, on Facebook it seems to be taking a while to arrive.

To manage it, just open the Instagram app, go to your profile settings, touch the Privacy item , then Post and finally act on the selector of the "Like" and views item . To decide instead of your own content, just touch the three horizontal dots at the top right of a published content and finally select the Hide the number of likes option.

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